Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is the promoting of products and services using digital distribution channels which include television, internet, mobile phones, SMS and digital outdoor. It does not limit itself just to the Internet. This practice of promotion reaches the consumers in a personal, timely and cost-effective manner. Digital marketing can reach people more than Internet marketing.

Digital is now being broadened to support the “servicing” and “engagement” of customers. It drives innovation and brings a competitive advantage to promotions of the product through the sharing of knowledge between customers and the provider of digital communication. It provides customers with the latest news and development of the product and services.

The digital marketing sector uses many different digital marketing media channels, such as:

  • Cell phone Short Message Service (SMS) text messages
  • Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds
  • Podcasts
  • Voice Broadcast
  • Videos
  • E-mails
  • Banner ads on affiliate websites
  • Outdoor digital displays
  • Websites
  • Blogs
  • Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter
  • Link Building

There are two basic forms of digital marketing. These two types of digital marketing are called the Push and the Pull.

Pull digital marketing the customer seeks information about products and/or services by directly visiting the company’s sources of information often via web search. These are typically located on websites, blogs, audio, and video sources. The advantage of pull is that there are no restrictions on file size and low technology requirements for the company. The disadvantages are that for pull marketing is required, little tracking of visitors is there and no personalization to keep the visitors coming back is there.

Push digital marketing involves both marketers as well as the customer. Customers are provided information by receiving or viewing advertisements digitally, through e-mails, SMS, RSS, cell phone calls, etc., as subscribers of the latest product and service information provided by the company. Push advantages include personalization of messages, high conversation rate, and detailed tracking of customer choices. The main disadvantage is that it requires Can-Spam Act 2003 compliance, can be blocked, simply opt-out, and requires delivery technology.

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