How are Elections Conducted in India?

STEP 1 – Election Nomination – Every Candidate who wishes to stand for elections must fill up a nomination form and must pay a security deposit. He must also give details of his liabilities, criminal cases, assets, and liabilities, educational qualifications.

STEP 2 – Party Candidate or Independent Candidate? – The Election Commission will scrutinize the nomination papers and ask the candidate his decision of being a party candidate or Independent Candidate.

STEP 3 – Withdrawal – At this stage, the Candidate can withdraw.

STEP 4 – Election Campaign – During an election campaign a candidate can contact their voters, political leaders and address election meetings for political parties to mobilize their supporters. This spreads for over 2 weeks. This is the time when Print and Electronic Media are showing debates, meetings, etc. The means of Campaigning include:

  • Meetings
  • Use of Media
  • Speeches
  • Door to Door Campaign
  • Distribution of pamphlets and sticking of posters. All Campaign should stop 48 hours before the poll.

STEP 5 – Polling – It is the stage when the Indian voter casts his/her vote in the EVM- Electronic Voting Machine (earlier – Ballot Paper) in the nearby polling booth. For being an Indian voter a person:

  • Should a citizen of India.
  • Should be above 18 years of age according to Universal Adult Franchise.
  • Should have his name on the voter’s list.
  • Should not be Bankrupt.
  • Should not have any Criminal Records. If the above qualifications are not satisfied, then the person cannot Vote in India.

STEP 6 – Counting Of Votes – This is the final stage. The EVM is sealed and sent to the office of the Election Commission where votes are tallied and the turnout is announced. The winning party has the right to form the government and make laws for the people. If the Party does not win by a majority then a Coalition is formed.

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