Eco Fashion

Eco-fashion includes clothes and accessories made using organic resources, such as cotton grown without pesticides and silk made of worms fed on the organic tree. The coloring or dyeing of the fabric doesn’t involve the use of harmful chemicals and bleaches. The garments are often made from recycled textiles or plastic bottles. The workers in the eco-fashion industry work in healthy and clean working conditions and are paid well.

The use of eco-fashion reduces the damage to the environment by saving on waste, landfill space and the amount of raw materials used. Eco-fashion clothes are more costly than conventional clothing for the reason that efforts are taken to reduce damage in the growth, manufacturing, and shipping of the products.

Now there are wide ranges of companies presenting well designed, recycled, organic and sustainable clothing. The designers are experimenting with bamboo fiber and hemp. These fibers absorb greenhouse gases during its life cycle and grow quickly and plentifully without pesticides.

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